Friday, December 28, 2018

Spiritual Pimp  
If society is the pimp, who is the whore?   
“Nietzsche believed that beyond good and evil is the will to power. In other words, good and evil are labels for phenomena, or value judgements. Behind these value judgements is the will to power, which causes man to view phenomena as good or evil.”                                                                  Huey Newton, Revolutionary Suicide 
    The introductory levels of the Universal Game are explorations of the nature of personal consciousness and potential. The path of the Spiritual Pimp reveals the deeper and more occult foundation of human nature in its more universal manifestations, both positive and negative. This is most dramatic and visible in the history of secret societies and cults. Research indicates that there is a common force or purpose guiding the leadership of these groups. This guiding force is the evolutionary development of thought. In most cases the general public is not aware of the hidden agenda that links all secret societies, cults and religions together. Instead, they are given myths and propaganda in the form of symbolic code words such as; God, Satan, ascended masters, guru, aliens and leaders, to transfer individual sovereignty and resources to a single entity or elite leadership.      If you want to control someone, aim straight between their legs. When a person hands over their sex drive to you, there’s no need to worry about their car keys and bank account. They’re already yours. The distinction between a “cult” and a “religion” is purely semantic. Sex is used to demolish personal identity in favor of the hive mentality. Fortunately, the Spiritual Pimp can have a very positive influence on his followers and his organization. Examples include; Father Divine, Rajneesh, Sai Baba and Pierre A. Bernard (Oom). However, that influence may be a false positive (Example: spiritual materialism).  

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